Designer: soft tissue studio
Location: Gropius Bau, Berlin
Photography: Gropius Bau,
and soft tissue studio
draped over kee-clamp frame,
black quilted rugs,
moon gazing chairs,
acupunture clinic equipment.
Within an installation by the artist SERAFINE1369, these items formed the set for a community acupuncture clinic held in the atrium of Gropius Bau.
Afterwards the scenography was reset as a listening space. These interventions were part of an exhibition and program called YOYI! care repair heal.
The black folds of the screen resemble bat wings, whaleskin, wetness, rock, lava and more.
For this project soft tissue studio developed a padded quilt that can be used as a weighted blanket, a mat, a furniture cover, a cave, a bean bag and more; it is called a rock cover.
with a team of incredible acupuncturists.
Sound design by Josh Anio Griggs
Listening program artists: Veza Maria Fernandez, nwakke, Gillian Walsh, Daniella Valz Gen with Belladonna Paloma, CAConrad, bartira, B Xovington Xam-Xumana.
Performances by Florence Peake, keyon gaskin
To learn more about the work see the website of SERAFINE1369